Our boots-on-the-ground network allow us to put globally gathered aid in the hardest to reach places in need.

With two major areas of focus, Compassion Medical sources, procures, and delivers medical supplies through existing provider networks to end users in the most isolated and difficult places on earth. Our mission provides organization, project management, and logistics oversight for rescue efforts and compassion initiatives during natural disasters and human conflicts.
Compassion Medical has three major distinctives: We send 90%-96% of donations to the field. We use our excellent “boots on the ground” local networks to leverage trust-based partnerships with major organizations to ensure that humanitarian aid projects break through the clutter of bureaucracy and corruption prone governments to help real people at the ground level. Finally, we lovingly focus on helping the whole person. As part of a faith-based 501(C)(3) nonprofit, we provide comprehensive care.


Global Humanitarian Relief
We respond to crisis events by leveraging partnerships to provide care and relief.

Internal Medical Services
We provide medical consultation services to our faith-based global network. Click here to learn more or join the team!

International Initiatives
Partner with us to provide medical care with our international partners in low-resource communities.